The Manifest

It is hard to find female (identifying) freelance developers! This list shall help you to get a more diverse selection of cool people to make the best choice for your project.

How to ask

Here are some helpful questions to answer when you approach a developer for a project:

  • Does the job include only development or also design?
  • Which technologies have to be used or does the developer have free choice?
  • What is the budget and the timeline? :)
  • Do you have reference links to websites you like?

Get listed

Alrighty! You can submit your details through this form.


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Join us!

Hi there! Thanks for wanting to be a part of the crew. Please fill in your details below and we will review your submission.

Must haves

  • A website which clearly displays your work
  • A couple of client projects

If approved, your site will get listed within a few days. If you get any cool work or other opportunities through us, let me know (↗email or ↗Instagram). I am always happy to hear your stories and might feature them in the future.